In 2021, the aluminum company HAI in Santana placed an order with GARANT-Filter GmbH for a new turnkey plant for exhaust gas treatment. The plant in Romania produces around 250,000 t of wrought and cast alloys per year and, thanks to the use of around 80% recycled material andCO2-neutral primary material, is regarded as one of the operations with the lowestCO2 emissions in the aluminum industry.
In 2020 HAI invested in an induction furnace for melting down PUK’s (pressed aluminum chips) and in 2021 the production was expanded with another 40t melting furnace from Hertwich Engineering. For this purpose, an existing filter from 2009 was to be replaced by a new filter system with a higher capacity.
While the second plant was being set up, the existing filter was to be kept in operation as long as possible in order to reduce the actual changeover phase to a minimum. The plant was commissioned at the beginning of May 2022. Particular praise was given to the good site coordination in terms of delivery and installation, as there was little space available for temporary storage and plant installation. The assembly was carried out in shifts, with the lead assembly being performed by our Klaus Stonig. As a result, the changeover phase was completed in a record time of just a few days.
The filter system supplied by us has a high degree of automation, the possibility to run different modes of operation as well as a by-pass operation are possible. Furthermore, the plant can be maintained remotely via the HOOC system and sends push messages. Trend monitoring is also already integrated.
Our GARANT filter is designed according to BAT (Best Available Techniques) limits, which was also a decisive factor for the customer.
We would like to thank all those involved in the project for the smooth implementation of the project and wish them every success with the new filter system.