dust removal a crushing plant in gypsum production

Customer: Knauf Gips KG
Industry: Minerals
Location: Deisslingen
Country: Germany
Technical data: 16.000 Bm³/h
Included services: Vertical bag filter

Project details

The raw materials for the production of gypsum boards are processed at the Deisslingen site. The gypsum boards are produced both for interior and for wet rooms.


  • Bag house filter
  • Rotary valve
  • Support structure
  • Pipe components
  • Splitter silencer

Operating principle

The raw material for gypsum production, which is conveyed to a crusher by a conveyor belt, is crushed and transported to the respective plants in the neighboring production building for further processing. To minimize the massive dust load in the building, an in-line filtration system with a fan on the clean gas side is used, which covers 9 exhaust openings. The separated medium is fed directly onto the conveyor belt with a view to reuse. Due to strict sound values, a splitter silencer is used to reduce the sound level to 50dB(A).