Conveyor belt dedusting for Voest Alpine

Customer: Voest Alpine
Industry: Steel and metals
Location: Linz
Country: Austria
Technical data: 45.000 m³/h
Commissioning: 26.09.2019
Included services: Vertical bag filter

Project details

At the Linz site, Hockofenkos is processed for steel production. The dedusting system is used to reduce dust emissions when conveying coke at the conveyor belt transfer points and during wagon load unloading.


  • Bag house filter
  • Fan
  • Rotary valve
  • Pipe components

Operating principle

The filter system is designed as a bag filter. The fan operates on the clean air side. The filter bags are stretched over support cages and fastened to the overhead bag base in the clean gas section. The dust-laden air flows through the filter bags from the outside to the inside. The hoses are cleaned by compressed air pulses and the cleaned dust is collected in the filter bunker. Filter cleaning takes place automatically via a filter differential pressure-dependent control. The dust is continuously discharged into a movable pre-tank by means of trough chain conveyors and rotary valves. The cleaned exhaust air from the filter is discharged to the outside via the fan and the clean gas stack.